Friday, July 18, 2014

More trips to Lost Lake Bouldering

After my last trip up there I went back the next weekend for more fun and lots of cleaning. I spent the first 2 hours mapping the boulders above the road and then set into cleaning boulders for climbing. This was done in late May and the flowers were in bloom. What a beautiful time to be up climbing.

I cleaned two main boulders and put up 15 problems on that day.
These are located above the road and about 2/3rds the way up the hill next to the tree line.
Hear is a short timelapse off some of the problems that I climbed. So many are working on this place and the climbing is so nice. I have personally climbed 25 new lines right after brushing and cleaning. A friend of mine has done over 100 this way and others that I have seen up there have done so many more. There is so much to climb it is incredible. I hope some day that all involved will receive the thanks that they deserve. I know that I am supper happy for every climber that has ever cleaned a rock our route of any size and the lasting benefits to the community that it brings. Thanks for reading and enjoy the short video.

Lost Lake Bouldering from Tymun Abbott on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Dog creek. Rugged and beautiful.

I was going through my photo's the other day and came across my folder full of shots of a trip that I took up Dog Creek just east of Dog mountain in Washington. This trip was done in March of 2011 with a lot of water in the creek. We did not get all the way to the top of the drainage but we had a great adventure and saw an incredible canyon.
The loop we took.
Dog creek falls. The starting point.
Climbing the left side of the falls wall.
View looking down from the top.
The creek above the falls.

More drops.
Looking for a way across
We climbed up and through.
Drop after drop.
Looking back down the creek.
Looking onward
Working are way around the next one.
Nice falls!
Just above the falls.
Finally a flat spot but not for long.
The flat part of the creek.
Right around the corner more falls awaited.
We had to go higher to get past this one.
The creek below.
Making our way back down to the creek.
Looking down the creek from the landing.
My friend checking out the way ahead. This would be what stopped us.
The creek dropping and turning the corner.
Lots of water!
Climbing up super steep moss to see the creek above.
Beautiful falls below

The creek continues on.
The drops just above were the creek goes into a narrow slot.
We headed up to go out and the view was great.
The car way below.
Looking south across the gorge on a beautiful winter day.
After this last shot it took some time to work our way past the cliffs and down but we made it without incident. A wild adventure for sure and one to return to with more time.